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On The Boat


What have we been up to – my take on our MIA? We ended up our July adventure down the ICW with several discoveries – 1) the boat’s only functioning head had a very leaky holding tank, 2) the engine was a giant question mark (although it always started, there was always an alarm coming …

On The Boat

Missing in Action

We haven’t gone anywhere . . . literally or figuratively.  We are shaking off the winter doldrums and thought we needed to update our progress. After our journey down the ICW last summer, the boat (now unofficially named Wabi Sabi) went straight to the boatyard.  These committed “Do It Yourself-ers” acknowledged there are just some …

On The Boat

Ham for Days

Yes, I may have over provisioned in the ham department.  Truly ham sandwiches are not even a favorite mine, and, after the last week, I probably won’t be eating another one for quite some time. But what John failed to mention was that I also stocked the boat with avocados. Six of them. It seemed …

On The Boat

Belhaven to Oriental….also known as Belhaven to Belhaven – today we are the bug.

Well, the first three days of our trip went pretty well.  We were the windshield.  We hit a pretty significant thunderstorm while coming into Belhaven, and I guess that was the turning of the tide.  We woke up today as the bug.  We determined we have a leaky holding tank – thing #1.  That was …

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